Your Bridge to Innate Healing

Through intuitive guidance and healing, infused with compassionate communication, I help people regulate their nervous system and heal trauma, which helps create a baseline for greater healing.

I believe the body has the innate ability to heal itself. I am your bridge between the stars and the soil, allowing you a greater access to healing.

I am a visceral energy worker and community herbalist.  I have a handful of modalities and trainings under my belt and I use them to support people in healing anything from limiting beliefs and mindsets to physical ailments, stress & trauma. Generally folks learn a lot about themselves when we work together and it’s really beautiful to be a part of them optimizing their earthly experience.  

As a Quantum Energy Facilitator, Reiki master, Shamanic practitioner, an Auric Light Alchemist, Magnified Healing practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist and an Intuitive Herbalist, I’m a megaphone of energy, empowering you to be your best advocate in life & reach toward your highest potentials.  Let’s break through those limiting beliefs and fears! Become Fully Embodied and Fiercely Empowered!

Whatever you choose it will be magic.